Troy and I affectionately call Camryn "our little lounger." She is forever slouched over, laying back or sinking down into whatever she is sitting in. At times it is quite cute, but at times it is quite NOT:( One of the places Cam Cam lounges best is the tubby. It is just one reason why we still have her in the infant tub, and the fact that we don't use quite so much water. My fear about putting her in the "big tub" is that she will go to do her famous lounge/slouch or sink and will hit her head, THUS the baby tub.
Tonight was no different as I laughed and said to myself, "let the lounging begin" as Camryn immediately turned herself sideways and propped up her feet.SOOOOO I fixed her to sit correctly. Next she sunk down and leaned way back, once again I corrected her. Last, but not least she was trying to scale the shower wall and get out, probably to go lounge elsewhere:)
Oh my, she makes me laugh so I took some more candids of her having fun in the tubber. Enjoy my little lounger!